
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Google bumps up free Drive storage from 5 to 15 GB

The Google Drive offers free cloud storage to users allowing them to save files form across all devices.

Global search engine giant Google has brought some great news for users globally. The Google users who earlier used to get 5 GB of free cloud storage on Google drive will now be getting 15 GB instead as a part of free plan.
The Google drive will continue to offer its services without any alterations or changes; maybe this explains the reason why we were having frequent service breaks in Gmail and Google drive over the past couple of days.
Google drive
Although the storage size has been increased by Google for the users the company logically has not given away any additional storage to users. As it turns out users were enjoying 10 GB of free storage on Gmail along with 5 GB of free stage for Drive. Now the company has simply combined the both in one single storage that now works across Gmail, Google+ and the Google drive. But ultimately the unused storage that the users were having in Gmail will now be put to a better use.
With this move Google has once again moved on top of the free could storage chain. As compared to Google drive's 15 GB storage, Dropbox offers 2 GB initial storage that can go up to 6 GB's while Skydrive offers up to 7 GB of free storage along with Sugar Sync offering similar storage as well.
For business users the same storage has been bumped up to 30 GB from exiting 25 GB which was the lowest possible offering for paid users.

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